New & Noteworthy

Oldskool Compos

  • As many oldskool platforms have been re-discovered in the last few years the split oldskool/newskool by looking at the memory bus bandwith has become quite fuzzy, certainly on consoles and handhelds. An additional way to split between oldskool and newskool is the list as found in the "History Of Video Games" on Wikipedia. Resulting from this overview all Home Systems from the 4th generation and all Handhelds Systems from the 5th generation are seen as "Oldskool" and productions on these platforms can be submitted in the Oldskool Compos as well.

Amiga Compos

  • All Amiga intro/demo entries (This means OCS, ECS and AGA chipsets) take part in the dedicated Amiga compos. Should you *REALLY* want to compete against other platforms, you can request your Amiga entries to take part in the Oldskool competitions. If you need further clarification on this rule, please contact the Amiga Compo Organizers.
  • As a result OCS/ECS intros may now also be 64KB in size as they will go into Amiga Intro instead of Oldskool 4K Intro.

Graphics Compos

  • All graphics compos will be "anonymized", meaning that the name of the creator will not be displayed on the bigscreen and should also not be present on the entry.

Special Competition

  • This year, we want to give you the opportunity to go back to the roots and make some Demos using only 2D effects and assets. Check out the rules for the 2D Demo and get started!

ASCII/ANSI Competition

  • We've specified the rules for the ASCII/ANSI competition. Go check them out.